Monday, December 21, 2009

Class 1 Progres Reel

This first class at Animation Mentor has been amazing!!

I want to thank Eric Lessard for his mentorship, we had really nice time with him and he is a great professional and an awesome mentor.

You can see his reel in YouTube, here is the link

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Week 11

This week assignment has been really hard, I almost gave up on finishing it, at last I managed to get something done.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The RE-REvision

Sometimes you just don't get the concept... and you have to try harder, in Animation Mentor this actually happens every week so that's why the revisions are for... and sometimes the re-revisions.

I enjoy working with revisions it's the most important tool AM gives you to learn the concepts and really understand them.